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Unlock the potential for your business growth through a website redesign.

In today’s digital age, having a website that effectively converts visitors into customers is essential for small businesses. If your website is not converting, it’s time to consider a redesign. A website redesign can be a game-changer for small businesses by improving user experience, increasing engagement, and ultimately driving more sales.

One of the main reasons to redesign your website is to improve user experience. Visitors to your website should be able to find what they are looking for easily and quickly. A well-designed website with straightforward navigation, relevant content, and an intuitive layout can make all the difference in the world. A redesign can also help ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices, which is crucial given the increasing number of people who use their smartphones to browse the web.

A redesign can also help increase engagement with your audience. If your website is outdated, unattractive, or challenging to navigate, visitors may be turned off and leave your site without taking any action. A well-designed website with engaging content and calls-to-action can encourage visitors to spend more time on your site and take the desired action, such as purchasing or filling out a contact form.

how a site redesign can help your business.

Enhance user experience
Enhance user experience

A website redesign can improve user experience by making the website more attractive, easier to navigate, and more intuitive to use, which can lead to increased engagement and sales.

Increase visibility
Increase visibility

A redesign can help a small business improve its search engine rankings, making it more visible to potential customers who are searching for products or services related to their business.

Branding consistency
Branding consistency

A website redesign can help a small business maintain a consistent brand image across all online channels, including social media, email marketing, and other digital marketing efforts.

Showcase products and services
Showcase products and services

A redesign can help a small business showcase its products and services more effectively, with better images, descriptions, and user-friendly interfaces that can increase conversions.

Improve website speed
Improve website speed

A redesign can optimize a website’s performance, improving page load times and reducing bounce rates, which can increase engagement and retention.

Build credibility
Build credibility

A website redesign can help a small business establish credibility by presenting a professional image, with high-quality content, images, and design, which can help build trust and loyalty among customers.

our process for redesigning a website.

The 76's

Our building process consists of four straightforward steps that have been proven to ensure success.

However, we understand that every business has unique needs, which is why our process is also flexible and adaptable. You can choose any of our services individually or go through the entire process, from the Workshop to the final celebration. We are here to cater to your specific needs and help you achieve your goals.

Get Started


Our first objective is to come up with a targeted plan based around all of the original criteria that was developed during the onboarding process.


Once the wireframes have been completely nailed down, we move into the design phase. This is where we give life to our wireframes.


We consider it our ultimate playground, where we can tap into our creativity and expertise to ensure that your website is a well-oiled machine that seamlessly delivers results for your business.


Even a well-coded website, over time and without proper attention, can become outdated and pose a risk to your business. That's where Step 4 comes in - Maintenance.

is there a project on your horizon? Brief us in!

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